NSHMBA 2006, Cincinnati
After a very difficult 9 hour drive from Columbia, SC to Cincinnati, OH, through massive rain and aggressive truckers, free Starbucks coffee and un-healthy food me and my roommate arrived in Cincinnati. Missing the right exit, we found ourselves in the downtown area not knowing where to go. Anyway, the story can go on but let me get back to the point...
NSHMBA = National Society of Hispanic MBAs

Before this event, there are days of building self-awareness: finding out about the wanted companies, their positions and whether they have or not positions available for China. Next, it was printing resumes on special paper according to the positions and interest for the companies.

The D-day was Friday... Thousands of people, huge facilities, slow start, nervosity... It was all there. Talking to corporate people was not an easy deal. But before talking waiting in line could build up additional emotions.
Finally, to sum up it was a very good experience for me: my first US career fair. I learned a great deal about US corporations and managed to be invited for Microsoft/Intel/Dell party at the Hilton in downtown Cincinnati. IT WAS GREAT!
I will surely go back again whenever I can and advice everyone to go to and take on every possible opportunities.
This is NSHMBA 2005 from Atlanta:
Total Attendance: 6,700+
Corporate Sponsors: 241
Academic Sponsors: 79
Total Sponsors: 320
Job Postings Online: 6,429
Professionals: 30%
Students: 70%
Students from top universities*: 27% (Us News Top 25 U
Interview Booths: 408
Scholarship Recipients: 195