Not a good week start
This is definitely not my best time of my recent times. Let's take things and analyze the ups and downs of whats going on:

- I haven't head in a while from a friend who left and that makes me wonder what is happening and what I did wrong
- I just spilled coffee on my shirt while writing this... It is kinda white shirt too
- by this time, I haven't send my visa paper and it kinda makes me worry about this (why... I'm just stupid, that's it and I don't do well time management)
- I don't know what decision to take in whether going or not going to Cincinnati for the National MBA Career Fair; I need to talk to some seniors to clarify my mind
- I just realized that I spend more money than I forecasted; it seems that about 30-40% of my expenses go towards unimportant things, not vital
- it takes me about 2 weeks to update the blog - this is also bad
- there are 2 exams coming up next week
On the good side, because there is always one, I can mention:
+ Wonderful discussion with the director of Solectron Guadalajara who challenged me to think once again of my decision to join the Chinese Track
+ I still stay strong on my decision after that discussion as I know what I want to get out of it
+ Did some work this weekend, but not a whole lot
+ Anand, my roommate will probably come visit me in Romania for winter holidays
Well, I guess I should pay more attention to this wine discussion with Jerry Baxter, VP of Sales for The Charmer Sunbelt Group, in our Marketing II class.
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