two more weeks left

It is truly amazing how time goes by. There are two dimensions of it though:
1) There are so many things to do in life and there is virtually little time to be able to do everything. This is the feel of a day to day basis, or week-planning when acknowledging that IS is due Tuesday, Quiz will be Monday, Finance will be Monday, we need to meet in different teams... etc
2) The second dimension is when looking back in time. We heard the expression "time flies" a million times. On the one hand time passing by very fast is considered to be good, showing that you are busy, you are working or just enjoying. On the other hand, slow time is considered to show problems/issues in one's life. Looking back at these 5 months spent in here, it seems like it's only been a week. WOW! We've all been through some tough times and it now almost over.
Should we be sad or be happy? How can we have both feelings in the same time?
There is a saying in Romanian which goes like this: "Cry with an eye and laugh with the other"
Let's hope for a good last two weeks!
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