My life in a blog

IMBA Chinese Track student at The University of South Carolina, Moore Business School, I'm currently living in Columbia, SC and traveling all over the place

Check out my other blog: My life in pictures or better check out my Flickr account

Thursday, October 23, 2008

25 years of word

I was thinking the other day about us, as grad students, and how much we are so depended on computer and new technology to perform our daily tasks. Suppose you take away my computer, my cellphone, my mp3 player, I believe that I will pretty much become useless without all these. How did our parents and our parents' parents manage to be successful before? What's the solution to become less dependent on the computer and technology nowadays?

Well, today one of the most important computer software has it's 25 years anniversary: Word! Started in 1983... and still living on most of our computers today. I was able to pretty much use it from 1991 until present.

During this time, things have changed somewhat but we are still using a writing software, inclusive of the tool that I'm using for writing this blog.

Ugly picture of first Word for Windows 3.0... remember this?

Newest version for windows, 2007. Changed quite a bit but some things are still same